Thursday, March 22, 2012

Educational Theorists and Administration

Educational Theorists and Administration
ECE612: Administration--Early Childhood Education Programs
Teri Engleman
September 26, 2011

Administrators in early education programs need to familiarize themselves with theorists responsible for major contributions to the field. Theorists like Erik Erikson, Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget developed influential concepts that shaped early education into what it is today. Based on their philosophies of education, missions and visions as educators, Erikson, Montessori and Piaget developed developmental stages and/or teaching strategies that coincided with their beliefs and preferences. Other important factors within the early education setting include program layout, program materials and environment. Administrators need to understand their program’s mission and vision to effectively support instruction to meet its goals.
Within the educational field, it is impossible to avoid the influential theorists when designing a program. Theorists like Erickson, Montessori, and Piaget made huge contributions to the field and ultimately shaped current program environments, curricula and practices. As an educator it is important to let your personal philosophy shape your teaching methods while guiding children through the stages of development.
Erik Erickson is widely known for his theory of psychosocial stages of development. He believed that a child’s personality developed over several stages and influenced by social experiences and culture. His first psychosocial stage is basic trust vs. basic mistrust this spans from birth to one year of age. Infants develop a sense of trust from the immediate caregiver(s). This sense of trust ensures them the world is good. Mistrust occurs when children are not assured of the world being good or are assured too late. A significant example would be an infant trusting and forming an attachment to the mother.
Erikson’s second stage is autonomy vs. shame and doubt, which spans from two to three years of age. This is the time when a child develops personal control, as in bodily functions, which fosters independence. During this stage “they begin to assert their growing motor, language, and cognitive abilities” (Essa 2003, p. 119). When children do not accomplish this sense of independence they experience shame and doubt. This is commonly seen in toddler classrooms that are working on potty training. When children begin to master those skills they feel good about their abilities.
Erikson’s third psychosocial stage is initiative vs. guilt, which spans four to five years of age. In this stage the healthy developing child learns to imagine and broaden skills through active play. The child will also learn to cooperate with others and lead as well as follow. This is the time for parents to identify boundaries and consequences for behaviors which will help the child develop self-control.
Fourth is the stage of industry (competence) vs. inferiority, which spans six to twelve years of age. During these years, children acquire cultural values and skills and assimilate with what is learned in school. This is the time when children like to plan, carry out and complete projects. They develop habits of workmanship and social norms. If they do not develop these skills, they settle for mediocrity and feel inferior. Parents should find a good balance of praise and discipline for their children, and even expose them to humility, in order to establish a good foundation with the child (Essa 2003).
The last stage that applies to children is the fifth stage identity vs. role confusion, which spans thirteen to eighteen years of age. During these years, children are developing an understanding of themselves in regards to puberty. They come to develop a sense of self based on sexual identity and occupational identity. Children should explore their sexuality and be comfortable in their own skin and accept themselves for who they are. Without a chance to explore these roles, children develop confusion about their future roles.
The final three stages of Erikson’s psychosocial stages include intimacy vs. isolation – nineteen to twenty-five years of age, generatively vs. stagnation- twenty-six to forty years of age, and finally ego integrity vs. despair- forty-one years of age and up. These are crucial stages individuals must experience through adulthood. According to Erikson, a child’s environment and how he/she responds to the environment influences development. This concept is seen within the classroom when children are offered developmentally appropriate materials to explore with. If the environment encourages exploration, children will explore; if not they will not explore.
Maria Montessori developed Casa dei Bambini, a program for teaching children with cognitive delays. She took in children who were labeled as incapable of learning. Through observing how children learned, Montessori came to believe that intelligence was not fixed, rather a source that could be stimulated through experiences. She believed that with an inherent desire to explore and understand the world children’s independence and productivity were to be valued. In the Montessori classroom, teachers do not directly instruct students, instead they guide to explore and expand knowledge.
A major characteristic of the Montessori program is the child sized learning environment. The classrooms are mixed in ages and encourage children to learn by observing and doing. With an orderly environment, the Montessori classroom is meant to help children focus on learning and develop concentration. Within these classrooms one would find independent students working with self-correcting materials. Activities are purposeful and, with the use of sequential learning materials, cumulative.
The Montessori environment exposes children to more practical everyday life skills. The curriculum also teaches the children academic skills that are organized for individual learning as opposed to the traditional group interaction. Montessori believed that children should be taught concepts that are of interest to them and so, through a carefully prepared environment, she was able to teach formal skills through concepts that interested the individual student (Bruno 2009). Each child is actively involved in the learning process and experience subjects first hand. Teachers do not directly instruct students, instead they guide to explore and expand knowledge. In the Montessori classroom concentration is respected so teachers and students alike are expected not to interrupt others.
The Montessori method has been historically controversial. Most sites do not promote social interaction or the development of creativity. As a result this method remains separate from other educational approaches. According to Carolyn Pope Edwards (2007), in a Montessori program the school community, including the parents, “work together to open the children to the integration of body, mind, emotions, and spirit that is the basis of holistic peace education” (p. 2). The concept of the child sized learning environment, however, has been integrated into most childcare programs today.
Lastly, Piaget changed they way educators viewed cognitive development. As one of the most well known theorists in early childhood education, Piaget’s theory of cognitive development outlines four stages of cognitive development and the typical behaviors exhibited during each stage. “Piaget’s theory suggests that teachers should recognize the abilities and limits at each stage and provide appropriate learning activities” (Sadker & Zittleman, 2007, p. 155). The stages of cognitive development include: sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operations and formal operational stage.
The sensorimotor stage spans from birth to two years. During this time infants gather their knowledge of the world from sensory and motor skills. To promote development during this stage, hands-on materials that stimulate a baby’s senses are most effective. In a developmentally appropriate infant classroom, one could expect to find materials including, but not limited to: mobiles, mirrors, cuddle toys, grasping toys, balls, puzzles, push and pull toys, soft blocks and activity toys. These materials are interesting to look at, safe to mouth, easy to grasp and fun to manipulate which encourages exploration and as a result, development.
The preoperational stage spans from two years to seven years of age. Children learn to use symbols to represent aspects of the world only through his/her perspective. They begin to not only organize but understand their surroundings through language and mental images. This is the stage where early literacy skills must be introduced. A developmentally appropriate classroom meeting the needs of this age group would be a print rich environment, and would incorporate literacy skills including: name writing, alphabet knowledge, beginning sound awareness, print and word awareness, rhyme awareness, and nursery rhyme awareness. As mentioned before, this is also a crucial time where mental concepts develop as well. A lot of these concepts are seen during play; imaginative play offers opportunities for children to create mental representations of the world in which they live.
            The next stage, concrete operations, spans from seven years to eleven years of age. During this time children learn to understand and apply logical operations and experiences to everyday life. Skills like problem solving, classification, compare and contrast, seriation, patterning and number concepts evolve during this stage. A developmentally appropriate classroom would utilize materials like file folder games, counting bears, sequencing puzzles, etc. to reinforce these skills. Another effective way to teach some of these skills is through cooking activities. These activities allow room for mistakes but still teach these concepts.
The final stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory is the formal operations stage, spans from eleven years to fifteen years of age and continues through adulthood. At this stage, children come into the highest level of reasoning and abstract thinking. This is when children do not have to apply their theory, rather assess the facts and form an answer. Incorporating this stage in the classroom would require activities in which students have to predict the consequences of their actions. An appropriate example would be to discuss what will happen when students do not complete and submit their homework. These discussions can progress to more serious topics such as drinking and driving and unprotected sex. An important part of this strategy, however, would be to include parent involvement to help reinforce the knowledge gained throughout the activities.
After researching the three theorists, it is clear that there are similarities and differences amongst their theories. Each theorist has an identifying concept that separates them from the others. Montessori emphasized the child-sized learning environment. Freud emphasized sexual and aggressive drives. Erikson is well known for his emotional development concepts. Freud was Erikson’s predecessor so their theories are virtually the same through Erikson’s first five stages; the only difference is Erikson continues into adulthood. Montessori’s theory did not consist of stages through which children progressed rather, their learning experiences were linked to play. Erikson also contributed play to the process of learning in a child’s development. Piaget and Montessori express belief in exploration of the environment are an effective learning concept.
The mission of my program is to provide quality programs to children and their families. Through play and exploration the whole child is developed. Our classrooms reflect this belief and offer opportunities for growth in all areas of development at their individual pace. We believe that within the learning environment, activities should be balanced between teacher initiated and child initiated. With Knowledgeable and experienced staff we strive to provide quality education to all of our children. We will meet parents’ need for their children to grown and learn to there greatest potential in a safe and stimulating environment. With our open door policy, parents are welcome and encouraged to participate and interact with their children any time.
The vision of my program will provide a nurturing learning experience that benefits the whole child to the best of our ability. In a natural learning environment, students will be motivated by not only the teachers but their peers as well, all while developing a positive self-esteem.
These mission and vision statements reflect Montessori’s and Erikson’s theories by emphasizing environment, play and exploration as integral parts of the learning process. As all three theorists pointed out, the environment truly does affect a child’s learning.
The preschool classroom needs to be designed to prepare four through five year old Pre-K children for kindergarten through enhancing social-emotional, language, cognitive, and physical development. The classroom should utilize “ready-to-learn” activities in which children initiate and engage in hands-on learning experiences in an atmosphere that fosters divergent thinking and creative problem solving (Berk 2008, p. 473). There should also be a balance of relevant and developmentally appropriate child-initiated and teacher directed activities within the classroom. The focus should be on intellectual growth and cognitive stimulation, emotional security, social adjustment, physical well-being, creativity, and safety. When a curriculum is developed and implemented properly it not only enhances children’s learning experiences but also the teachers’ professional repertoire (Discoveries and Adventures 2007). A large amount of time is spent within the classroom so it is essential that the room be attractive, inviting, and comfortable. Natural light should be utilized whenever possible. The classroom should include things a child would recognize from home like flowers, curtains, refrigerator magnets, etc. Incorporating living things is also key to a successful classroom.
The classroom is affected by the physical arrangement of materials and furniture as well as routines and schedules. Within the classroom, teachers are expected to plan according to space. Interest centers need to be developed to offer students choices in the activities they explore. Each learning center should be clearly defined to keep children focused and ease classroom organization. Areas needing water for play or clean up should be near a water source, while messy areas should be on easy to clean surfaces. Loud learning centers like blocks should be kept separate from quiet learning centers such as library.
All materials within the classroom should be durable and safe along with attractive and plentiful. When materials are easily within reach children are more likely to notice and use them. Self correcting materials offer valuable learning experiences for children. “Appropriate equipment allows the staff to focus on the essentials of their work as they provide an excellent early childhood program” (Sciarra & Dorsey, 2007, p. 220).  Incorporating culturally diverse materials is vital to a successful learning environment. Children who see items that reflect their culture develop a sense of belonging.
Furniture within the classroom needs to be child size and shelving should be spacious. All shelves should be labeled to identify where items belong to reduce the need for adults during clean up (Eliason & Jenkins 2008, p. 24). Having a designated place for everything promotes independence through consistency and predictability (Dodge, Colker & Heroman 2002, p. 65). Children are more likely to take responsibility for the materials and develop a sense of ownership when shelves and containers are labeled.
Another important piece of any classroom is technology. Technology “can enhance learning and should be considered a necessary piece of equipment…” (Kostelnik, et al., 2011, p. 321). Technology is not just limited to computers; teachers can utilize CD/cassette players for books on tape, calculators for number recognition and reinforcement, and in some cases cameras for dramatic play.  Technology can be used for assessment through observation or with the use of programs created to assess skill levels like the hatch computers which are designed to be an interactive kindergarten prep-like program. According to Haugland & Shade (1990), “Developmentally appropriate software engages children in creative play, mastery learning, problem solving, and conversation. The children control the pacing and the action. They can repeat a process or activity as often as they like and experiment with variations” (as cited in Technology and Young 1996, p. 2).
As far as curriculum selection, I believe the integrated curriculum works best. The fact that subjects can tie together and children are able to recognize those connections proves to be valuable. I use the integrated curriculum and have noticed that children enjoy learning about the topic in a variety of ways, including exploration. This process proves to be more important than the information. With this type of curriculum, children learn through relevant and meaningful real-world experiences (Eliason & Jenkins 2008, p. 75). I truly believe in teachable moments and act on them whenever they arise; the integrated curriculum allows the flexibility to do just that. This curriculum allows children to learn by doing- which ties in with the belief in the importance of play. When children can take the information they are learning and connect it to life the experience is more interesting, exciting and satisfying (Feeney et al. 2010, 357).
The Creative Curriculum is an appropriate selection because it is nationally recognized for its comprehensive and extensively researched model. This curriculum helps teachers effectively plan and implement a developmentally appropriate program that supports active learning and “promotes children's progress in all areas of development” (Teaching Strategies 2009, p. 1). The curriculum I would use was developed under the guidelines of The Creative Curriculum. This integrated curriculum approach is used at most preschools today, with the room divided into areas and centers. This philosophy of curriculum works well for a mixed age group with a variety of developmental levels.   To present learning challenges, the teacher is expected to scaffold the learning activities for each area daily.
The curriculum I am referring to is composed of activities that promote a positive attitude towards learning, increase sensory awareness, build a positive self-concept, teach independence, foster relationships, encourage creativity, and develop muscular control and coordination. It revolves around monthly themes based on developmentally appropriate content for four and five year old children. These themes explore the world beginning with that which is familiar, then moving onto topics that must be physically experienced. Each theme is strengthened by cumulative sub-themes that offer more in depth insight to each topic of study. Each month also has a designated story that ties into the theme as well as nursery rhyme.
Within each lesson the teacher can accomplish three goals: 1.) introduce new materials or materials children show little interest in, 2.) introduce or reinforce skills, and 3.) pursue an interest of one or more of the children in the group (Discoveries and Adventures 2007, p. 17). Lessons need to be designed so that activities are open-ended; if the teacher selects materials the children should be free to use them in whatever way. This challenging task builds on individual discoveries. These are opportunities that support learning and allow children to explore the curriculum designed lessons.
Another key element to a successful center program is the philosophy of the program. It is crucial to establish a vision, mission and philosophy statement and integrate it within the development of a program. I believe that the purpose of education is to, for lack of better terms, “shape tomorrow’s future.” With the proper education children can grow to become prominent figures in society, and work in a field that is beneficial to the community. Another purpose of education is to help prevent mistakes. In my opinion, if you are properly informed of the appropriate way to behave as well as the consequences for bad behavior, then you are more likely to try to avoid messing up. Education is a great way to teach responsibility. Children learn early on that throughout life there will be expectations to meet. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to set the example. Children respect their teacher and look up to and view him/her as a role model. A good teacher does not automatically judge the children and label them, he/she would notice characteristics and look into the child’s background and try to determine the underlying cause(s). Lastly, an important teaching attribute is to teach by quality, not quantity.
With the knowledge gained from this research, I am more aware of my beliefs in education. I better understand the reasons for my methods in the classroom and my reasoning behind those methods. I can see now my philosophy of education is a combination of the three theories. With this knowledge I can further research those theorists and their philosophies to better apply the concepts.
In conclusion to this research, it is obvious that early education theorists have had an influential effect on education. Erikson, Montessori and Piaget are prime examples of the impact theorists have on education; without Montessori we might not have adopted the concept of the child-size environment. Through hands on experiences, children are better able to learn and retain knowledge because these activities involve the senses. Each important skill learned during the early years sets the foundation for future development. Teachers need to be willing to guide children through the learning process. With a sensitive and flexible program, teachers can adapt daily plans around active learning. With consideration of my philosophy I agree with the theories of Erikson, Montessori and Piaget when they stress the importance of play in learning. With play comes exploration, and exploration shapes the brain.

Berk, L. E., (2008). Infants and Children (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Bruno, H. E,(2009). Leading On Purpose (First Edition).Higher Education, Boston, Mass.
Discoveries and Adventures (2007) Norfolk, VA: YMCA of South Hampton Roads
Dodge, D., Colker, L., & Heroman, C. (2002).The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, (4th ed.) Washington D.C.: Teaching Strategies.
Edwards, C. P. (2007) Three Approaches from Europe: Waldorf, Montessori, and Reggio Emilia. Retrieved 24 September 2010 from:
Eliason, C. F., Jenkins, L. (2008). A Practical Guide to Early Childhood Curriculum (8th edition). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
Essa, E. (2003). Introduction to Early Childhood Education (4th edition) New York: Delmar Learning.
Feeney, S., Moravcik, E., Nolte, S., & Chritensen, D. (2010) Who Am I in the Lives of Children? (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.
Kostelnik, M., Soderman, A., & Whiren, A. (2011). Developmentally appropriate curriculum: Best practices in Early Childhood Education (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
Sadker, D.M., & Zittleman, K.R. (2007). Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education [with CD and Reader]. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Sciarra, D. & Dorsey, A. (2007). Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program. (6th ed.). Thomson Delmar Learning: Clifton Park, NY.
Technology and Young Children—Ages 3 through 8 (1996). Retrieved 24 September 2011 from:
Teaching Strategies (2009). The Creative Curriculum. Retrieved 24 September 2011 from:

Universal Design for Learning Background

Universal Design for Learning Background
Teri Engleman
EDU673: Instructional Strategies for Differentiated Teaching & Learning
May 23, 2011

Differentiation requires a teacher to be knowledgeable of her students and their needs. By acknowledging and adapting lessons to individual differences teachers can be more effective with their instruction. Ms. Engleman has a diverse group of students in her class, and in order to be sure each student is understanding and retaining the lessons taught she must use differentiation. The following paper is an example of how Ms. Engleman can differentiate her lessons.
In Ms. Engleman’s class at Early Discoveries there are currently 14 children in attendance. The program is designed for at-risk four year olds, so each of these students meet certain at-risk factors. This class consists of eight girls and six boys. When considering family life, eleven children have at least one military parent, three are non-military, and out of the 14 two children come from single parent homes. One of the students has been diagnosed with ADHD and two others, according to a doctor or psychologist, show ADHD behaviors. Finally, two of Ms. Engleman’s students have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for speech. All of these individual characteristics are important when considering how to approach instruction in the classroom because “the starting point for educators who apply UDL framework is to gather facts about the diverse learners in their classroom” (Thousand et al., 2007, p. 37).
This month, the curriculum goals include learning home addresses. To meet this goal, Ms. Engleman has developed differentiated activities to meet the needs of each student. Some students come already able to recite their address. For these students, the lesson will extend to writing the address to further solidify recognition. The students who don’t already know their address can practice verbal repetition until they memorize it and then move on to writing. Lastly, several students have a very difficult time remembering the house number along with the street name. To tackle this obstacle, these students will practice the street name and afterwards will add on the house number to the address until he/she can recite the address from memory.
Something else Ms. Engleman needs to take into consideration is a student’s learning style. In her class, some children respond really well to music; they are auditory learners. To appeal to these children a song could be developed to aid in the process of memorization. For the visual learners, it is important to incorporate addresses throughout the classroom. So, Ms. Engleman created center and bathroom tags with student addresses printed on them. In blocks, each student’s picture and address are taped to the blocks and the students are encouraged to “build a neighborhood.” In dramatic play and writing center there is an address book with all of the children’s photos and addresses. For the tactile/kinesthetic learner Ms. Engleman offers plastic letter and number magnets for the students to assemble his/her address. These students can also write their addresses in shaving cream to add to their sensory intake.
To explain evidence of learning, a particular classroom method must first be described. As a classroom management technique, students are given center tags to display which interest center they are playing in throughout center time. Before center time begins Ms. Engleman passes out center tags based on student knowledge of his/her address. During the first week addresses are introduced, Ms. Engleman simply has students repeat the address back to her. The second week she will ask the class “Who lives at insert address here?” For example, who lives at
123 Baker Lane
? Ms. Engleman can determine who is able to recall at least a part of his/her address; and for those who cannot, she will return to the week one method. The third week Ms. Engleman will ask each child to recite his or her address in order to receive a center tag. This determines who has memorized their address. For the students who are unable to recite it from memory, Ms. Engleman will return to the address recognition technique of week two.
In summary, differentiation requires adaptation to individual students’ learning needs. By taking learning styles into account, Ms. Engleman was able to provide students with a variety of ways in which they can learn their addresses. To effectively instruct a group of diverse students the instructional methods must include differentiation.

Thousand, J., Villa, R. & Nevin, A. (2007). Differentiating instruction: Collaboratively planning and teaching for universally designed learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Implementing Change

Implementing Change
EDU 675: Change Leadership for Differentiated Educational Environment
Teri Engleman
September 12, 2011

Topic: Be more culturally responsive through differentiated teaching.

1.      Background of students, staff, educational setting
Educational Setting: Early Discoveries is a federally funded at-risk preschool program. Through the collaborative efforts of the Virginia Beach Public School System and the YMCA of South Hampton Roads, this program meets the needs of families with children who are “continuously exposed to high-risk factors and situations that are likely to have an adverse impact on their social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development” (Discoveries and Adventures 2007, p. 1).  The purpose of our program is to ease students through the transition into kindergarten. In essence, Early Discoveries is like a kindergarten readiness program. The program’s main goals include: intellectual growth and educational stimulation, emotional security, social adjustment, physical well-being, and individual growth and expression (Discoveries and Adventures 2007).
Learners: In Ms. Engleman’s class at Early Discoveries there are 14 children in attendance. The program is designed for at-risk four year olds students that meet certain at-risk factors. This class consists of eight girls and six boys. When considering family life, eleven children have at least one military parent, three are non-military, and [out of the 14] two children come from single parent homes. One of the students has been diagnosed with ADHD and two others, according to a doctor or psychologist, show ADHD behaviors. Finally, two of Ms. Engleman’s students have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for speech.
Staff: Assistant teachers are required to have a minimum of 12 credits completed towards an education degree and at least one year experience working with children. Lead teachers must have at least a Bachelor’s degree in the field of education and at least 2 years classroom experience. All staff members are required to complete the week long summer training session implemented by Early Discoveries. Ms. Engleman is a lead teacher who has been with the program for five years, and teaching for seven. She is completing a Masters degree in education. Mrs. Varner has been with the program for three years, and teaching for 12. She is completing an Associates degree in education. This is the second year Ms. Engleman and Mrs. Varner have worked together.

2.      Goals/objectives
ž          Recognize culture’s influence and use cultural resources for instruction (Huber 2010, p. 18).
ž          Include resources that legitimize cultural and historical legacies of all cultural and ethnic groups (Huber 2010, p. 18).
ž          Incorporate student values, beliefs, families and perspectives (Huber 2010, p. 48).
ž          Support additive multiculturalism in the classroom by incorporating more than one culture into instruction.
ž          Learn to become a multicultural teacher and see reality from different perspectives.
ž          Encourage collaboration between home and school to enhance learning.
ž          Use culture specific educational accommodations to connect with students.

3.      Plan of action including strategies
ž          Discuss cultural backgrounds with parents. Be sure to ask if there are values, beliefs or traditions you need to be aware of.
ž          Discuss and display all the cultures in your classroom. Teach the children to be aware and respectful of other cultures.
ž          Use materials that represent the cultures of the world (i.e. books, music, ethnic dolls/pictures, etc.)
ž          Implement culture specific accommodations (i.e. types of work groups, using native language with English, etc.)
ž          Incorporate cultural language, customs, traditions, foods, cultural activities, etc.

4.      Assessment
To assess the success of cultural awareness and sensitivity in instruction teachers can use:
ž          Portfolios to document and follow students’ understanding of the cultural inclusion efforts.
ž          Observations allow teacher to see if students are assimilating the new knowledge of cultural concepts in everyday life and play.
ž          Communication with family allows teachers to determine if concepts are being retained and used at home (most likely a monocultural environment).

5.      Resources including time, personnel, costs
ž          To successfully implement culturally responsive differentiation, a multicultural education expert needs to be hired to train staff.
ž          Staff will be required to complete two 1.5 hours training sessions on recognizing opportunities for and implementing a culturally relevant and anti-biased curriculum.
ž          Perceived cost will include trainer fees, and $100 petty cash/ per classroom to purchase multicultural materials.

6.      Professional development that will be required
All teachers will be required to complete multicultural awareness training which covers the following information-
According to the APA (2002), the following guidelines play an important role in education and practice:
ž          Guideline #1: “recognize that, as cultural beings, they may hold attitudes and beliefs that can detrimentally influence their perceptions of and interactions with individuals who are ethnically and racially different from themselves” (p. 3).
ž          Guideline #2: “recognize the importance of multicultural sensitivity/responsiveness, knowledge, and understanding about ethnically and racially different individuals” (p. 3).
ž          Guideline #3: “employ the constructs of multiculturalism and diversity in psychological education” (p. 3).
ž          Guideline #4: “recognize the importance of culture–centered research among persons from ethnic, linguistic, and racial minority backgrounds” (p. 3).
ž          Guideline #5: “apply culturally–appropriate skills in practices” (p. 3).
ž          Guideline #6: “use organizational change processes to support culturally informed organizational (policy) development and practices” (p. 4).

American Psychological Association (2002). Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists. Retrieved 11 September 2011 from:
Discoveries and Adventures (2007) Norfolk, VA: YMCA of South Hampton Roads
Huber, J. (2010). Culturally Responsive Differentiated Instruction. Retrieved 11 September 2011 from:

Change in the Workplace

Change in the Workplace
EDU 675: Change Leadership for Differentiated Educational Environment
Teri Engleman
September 18, 2011

In a world as diverse as ours, it is important to be aware and respectful of other cultures. Educators should become more familiar with the different cultures in their schools so that they are more able to help children to make sense of their world, ease the transitions between home and school, and teach acceptance of differences. A child’s culture influences his/her home, school, and social life; all of which educators should be aware and sensitive to. For students to truly be successful in life and education, teachers need to be aware and knowledgeable of different cultures.
Cultural influence has a profound effect on education. Today, children from non-mainstream cultures are often misunderstood because of their culturally specific learning style. In public education there are the norm learning styles that teachers are trained for and prepared to teach to, when a new style is introduced, teachers misread a student. This wrong impression can lead to “culturally inappropriate interaction, assessment, instruction, or discipline” (McIntyre 1996, p. 1). Unfortunately, this can lead to self-esteem issues amongst these students and result in behavioral problems. Due to the actions of the educators, the potential of these students developing an emotional or behavioral disorder increases. It is widely known that culture has a big impact on learning and is a primary factor in developing a learning style. Children develop these learning styles based on the cultural practices they were exposed to.
To meet the needs of these students more thoroughly, teachers need to adjust their instructional strategies to align with all learning styles and differences of the diverse classroom. McIntyre (1996) discusses the differences of field-independent and field-dependent learners within the classroom. He describes field independent learners as those who do well in “individualized work, personal achievement, and competition between students,” which is primarily seen in European American and Asian Americans (p. 2). On the other hand are the field-dependent learners who view the whole picture, are unable to tune out distracters, and are greatly influenced by the teachers' expression of confidence or doubt in their ability (Anderson, 1988 as cited in McIntyre 1996, p. 3). Teachers need to consider these types of learners while planning activities.
Teachers faced with the challenge of being more culturally sensitive in the classroom can use two important objectives to meet those needs: Use culture specific educational accommodations to connect with students and incorporate student values, beliefs, families and perspectives. To incorporate cultural accommodations teachers can do as the Kamehameha Elementary Education Program (KEEP) in Hawaii did. KEEP was designed to use a culturally specific approach to improving academic performance in Native Hawaiian children. Like KEEP, teachers can emphasize comprehension and utilize individual work assignments or group work assignments depending on the cultural background of the students (Nieto 2008). Cultural accommodations help to acknowledge students’ values, beliefs and perspectives. It teaches educators how to be sensitive to cultural backgrounds. Respecting cultural holidays and providing resources, support, and translation of documents are acceptable means of being culturally sensitive.
Families from different cultures may not always speak their native language within the home homes but most do teach the language to their children.  As an adult, it is more difficult for an immigrant to learn English, but the children within the household usually grow up learning English and their native language (Hispanic and Latino 2011). To combat the difficulties with language acquisition, teachers can incorporate a variety of languages into the classroom. A print rich classroom can have items labeled in more than one language just as seen on a word wall. Documents sent home to parents can be offered in multiple languages if possible. All of these accommodations ease the communication barrier and build a stronger relationship between home and school.
Incorporating additive multiculturalism is becoming a necessity. With the U.S. becoming more diverse every year, “many educators, sensitive to the needs of students who must be able to function emotionally and academically in our pluralistic society, recognize the need to expose students to instruction based on multicultural/diverse perspectives” (What is Multicultural 1997, p. 1). To truly implement multicultural/diverse perspective instruction teachers must be sensitive and non-biased to cultures. When teaching, it is important to offer a diversified perspective about a specific culture’s views, problems, and beliefs. Finally, to equally meet the needs of the diverse learners, teachers “must modify their teaching in ways that will facilitate the academic achievement of students from diverse racial, cultural, gender, and social-class groups” (What is Multicultural 1997, p. 1).
After determining objectives to implement in order to become more culturally sensitive in differentiated instruction, developing strategies to implement is the next step of action to create change. The first strategy would be to unite home and school. Parents are the first and primary educators of their children. Teachers need to create opportunities for school and home learning environments to overlap. To do so, teachers need to meet with parents and discuss their cultural backgrounds. This is the time to learn about family values, beliefs, and traditions that are important concepts to take into consideration when planning and implementing activities.
In order to be receptive to the families from different cultures found in the classrooms, teachers need to become proficient in and sensitive to intercultural communication. “Communication between people of different cultural backgrounds involves much more than overcoming the language barrier,”  because “hidden cultural differences often cause a great deal of misunderstanding and friction” (Wederspahn 2001, p. 1).  Teachers need to be self-aware in the sense of understanding how members of different cultures perceive them. These cultural differences affect everyday communication and interactions between home and school. To effectively communicate across these cultural lines, teachers need to develop skills to communicate with non-native English speakers “using gestures and body language understood across cultures, and matching voice tone, volume, and pacing” (Wederspahn 2001, section Overcoming the differences, para 1).
To truly be a culturally sensitive classroom, teachers must discuss and display different cultures within the classroom. To do this culturally diverse materials are needed. For example, in the preschool environment baby dolls of different ethnic groups should be present. In Dramatic play ethnic food should be available along with traditional American foods. Culturally specific clothing can also be on display in the classroom. These items can be used as an introduction to cultural topics or an enhancement/extension activity.  Teachers can also incorporate cultural language, customs, traditions, foods, cultural activities, etc.
By creating a multicultural classroom, students are exposed to the cultures around the world and learn to respect them. They learn to understand the different perspectives that come from different backgrounds. Teaching acceptance early on is much easier than in older children. Teachers should introduce each culture individually to discuss the importance of and reasoning for traditions and customs. With this variety of knowledge, children will be more successful in a multicultural environment (Staff 2011).
An incredibly important part of implementing change is the assessment process. Teachers need to know what kind of progress they are making and how well their instructional strategies are working. Before beginning any changes teachers need to perform a pre-assessment to have a baseline to compare to in the future. In this case, the teacher can assess his/her multicultural knowledge and find where he/she needs to improve.
While implementing change, teachers can use portfolios to document and follow students’ understanding of the cultural inclusion efforts. This alternative to traditional assessment has become popular because it allows for teacher to take into account individuality while addressing improvement, effort, and achievement. This “ongoing collection and appraisal of students’ work” allows teachers to document progress, showcase accomplishments, and/or evaluate status of each student (Popham 2011, p. 212). Through portfolios teachers can follow student’s progress through their work.
Through observations, teachers are able to see if students are assimilating the new knowledge of cultural concepts in everyday life and play. By establishing measurable objectives teachers can easily assess students with observations. Simple observations, such as those gathered while students are on the playground or playing in centers, offer insight into a child’s mode of thinking. Teachers can see how students have processed what they have learned about cultural diversity and see how they interpret and project their new knowledge.
Lastly, one of a teacher’s most influential resources is a student’s family.  Communication with family allows teachers to determine if concepts are being retained and used at home. For older students, parents are the ones who help with homework; for preschoolers, parents are the ones who review and reinforce new information. Parents can act as a second set of eyes and ears for teachers and help determine strengths and weaknesses.
When meeting the needs of a diverse community, teachers need to first make themselves aware of the cultures within his/her community and ultimately, within his/her classroom. To overcome barriers that are most often seen within diverse areas, teachers need to be more receptive to “issues of culture, language, race, and ethnicity, also known as cultural competencies,” in order to “meet the needs of diverse learners by using the strategies of culturally responsive instruction, which builds on students' cultural knowledge to enhance academic success” (Culturally Responsive Teaching 2011, p. 1). All teachers need to be prepared to teach culturally diverse classrooms. They need to be taught how cultural differences can affect and control the learning process.
As an educator, being “color blind” to race and ethnicity is not the best idea. First of all, acknowledging race and ethnicity helps ensure equality and avoid discrimination. Acknowledging these differences helps teachers reshapes assumptions and biases. Students need their racial and ethnic background to be recognized and understood. By acknowledging race and ethnicity in the curriculum a teacher creates an environment where all students race feel a sense of belonging.

To teach educators how to properly develop objectives, implement strategies, and utilize assessments to assure cultural sensitivity in the differentiated classroom,  and effective professional development training session needs to be selected. Regardless of the training session chosen, it should cover most-if not all- of the topics to follow. First, educators need to be aware of the fact that “they may hold attitudes and beliefs that can detrimentally influence their perceptions of and interactions with individuals who are ethnically and racially different from themselves” (APA 2002, p. 3).  Teachers need to be aware of their perceptions and make the cognitive effort to accept individual differences.
The second factor stresses the importance of knowledge. Teachers need to “recognize the importance of multicultural sensitivity/responsiveness, knowledge, and understanding about ethnically and racially different individuals” (APA 2002, p. 3). In regards to this, it is important that teachers understand and respect the differences of his/her students. Being multiculturally sensitive helps teachers build positive relationships with students and families and earn the family’s trust. This level of sensitivity also increases the level of understanding between teacher and student and/or family.
Thirdly, teachers need to “recognize the importance of culture–centered research among persons from ethnic, linguistic, and racial minority backgrounds” (APA 2002, p. 3). Research has shown that different minority backgrounds have different beliefs on everyday concepts such as beauty. In Ecuador, for example, a woman’s beauty is associated with whiteness and the physical features that are typical of white women: “light skin; delicate features; straight/wavy, light-colored hair; and light eyes” (Masi De Casanova 2008, p. 6). Another example would be the Kenneth Clark doll test, where African American children were asked to choose between a black doll and a white doll.  Most favored the white doll because it was the “pretty” doll.
The fourth concept teachers need to be trained in is how to “apply culturally–appropriate skills in practices” (APA 2002, p. 3). While planning teachers have to take into account the diversity within the classroom and prepare lessons and activities that will ultimately meet the needs of each student. Every child learns and interprets information differently. Taking into account these differences will allow teachers to meet the individual’s needs more thoroughly. Differentiating content offers more opportunities for students to access information.
Lastly, the fifth concept to be taught to educators is “use organizational change processes to support culturally informed organizational (policy) development and practices” (APA 2002, p. 4). Teachers and staff should implement the skills and techniques they have learned throughout the professional development to support the culturally sensitive practices that are polices of the program. Having staff abide by policies strengthens a program and ultimately helps achieve the program’s vision and mission.
 For students to truly be successful in life and education, teachers need to be aware of and knowledgeable about different cultures. Student diversity is not just limited to ethnicity; it can also include language and ability. With diversity encompassing such a large portion of life it is difficult to think of a time when diversity was not shaping education. Diversity teaches us that there are more than one way getting a task done, it motivates us to improve ourselves, strive for change and make a difference. It is important to be aware and respectful of other cultures.

American Psychological Association (2002). Guidelines on Multicultural Education, Training, Research, Practice, and Organizational Change for Psychologists. Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:
Culturally Responsive Teaching (2011). Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:
Hispanic and Latino Resources (2011). Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:
Masi De Casanova, E. (2008). "No Ugly Women": Concepts of Race and Beauty among Adolescent Women in Ecuador. Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:
McIntyre, T. (1996). Does the Way We Teach Create Behavior Disorders in Culturally Different Students? Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:
Nieto, S. & Bode, P. (2008). Affirming diversity: The Sociopolitical context of multicultural education (5th ed.). San Francisco: Allyn and Bacon.
Popham, J.  (2011).  Classroom assessment:  What teachers need to know. (6th ed.).  San Francisco:  Allyn and Bacon
Staff, G. (2011) How important is cultural diversity at your school? Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:
Wederspahn, G. (2001). Cross-Cultural Communication Between Latin American and U.S. Managers. Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:
What is Multicultural/Diverse Perspective Instruction? (1997) Retrieved 18 September 2011 from:

My Intentions

Ok, so in December 2011 I completed my educational journey- at least for a while! I attended Ashford University Online and completed the following degrees: BA Early Childhood Education Administration & MA Education with a specialization in Early Childhood Education. If it’s not painfully obvious already, my passion is early education. I love working with four and five year olds especially on literacy concepts. If I were to continue on with any education right now it would be in reading literacy and/or differentiation.

None the less, the purpose of creating this blog is because I want to be a resource to others. I loved the research process of writing papers and recreating concepts in my own way to fit my needs. There was nothing better than finding information that really fit with my topic each week-…yes I wrote a paper each week for a year, sometimes two a week because I took concurrent classes.

Enough about me! Hopefully this blog – regardless of how slow I put it together- is of use to someone else in the future.

P.S. don’t mind my grammar and punctuation mistakes- I’m terrible in that area and will eventually get to improving my work… =)